Live to Give (logo main)


Mission Statement
A Foundation That Serves As The Financial Advocate For Veteran Organizations That Promote The Healing, Betterment, Safety And Thriving Of Veterans In Order To Reduce Suicides
To create a Foundation that advocates for the Betterment, Safety and Thriving of Veterans through the promotion of healing and impactful interactions with Horses and Hounds
Our Origin

What started out as a game at a Tony Robbins business mastery event turned into a mission with a passion to truly create impact. Once we saw what could be done, it became what must be done.

Becoming a 510(c)3

  In seeing the synergy at that event and how their incredible monetary efforts could truly create impactful change, Scott Tennant (L2G Founder & Platinum Partner) knew the undeniable truth, then asked for help. With their assistance and his Key Founding Board Members, Mr. Tennant was able to  turn a phenomenally successful business game into a truly purposeful cause.

And so was born the LIVE TO GIVE FOUNDATION.

Building a Legacy

The  Platinum Partners and Business Mastery participants  who previously joined Scott Tennant’s teams during the Tony Robbins challenges  are officially known as the Legacy LifeGivers group . Their generous donations of $500 or more during the month of August are the caterpillars that has given wings to the launch of the today’s Foundation.

And so was born the LIVE TO GIVE FOUNDATION.

Goals for 2023

We aim to provide a safe and healing home for our Veterans and the Horses and Hounds that serve them through building a “Warrior Village”, providing a new barn, and dog training facility. Our goal for 2023 is to raise $3 Million to bring them all home.


  • To utilize Financial Resources to Provide safe, affordable refuge/housing for our Veterans and the others Live to Give Beneficiaries
  • To Create Alliances that Design and Build Refuge Facilities for our Beneficiaries
  • To always Bring them Home or create “Forever Homes” for Veterans, Horses & Hounds


  • To eliminate the financial barriers that often leave the Veteran populations, as well as the other beneficiaries from much needed Medical Care
  • To create and staff facilities for the medical & Psychological recovery of Veterans utilizing equine therapy as well as K-9 companions
  • To provide Cutting Edge Technology and Integrative Medical Care to Veterans and the other groups serviced by our Live to Give beneficiaries


  • To Create Synergy between Live to Give, our Beneficiaries and Sponsors to continuously meet all parties’ needs
  • To show the Symbiotic Connection that exist between Veterans, Horses and Hounds
  • To produce Global Impact through Large Capital Raises and Partnerships